Office of the Taxpayer Liaison Officer
The Taxpayer Liaison Officer, Teresa Terry, can answer questions about policies and procedures of the appraisal district or the appraisal review board and provide information and materials to assist property owners in understanding the appraisal process or protest procedures. More specific information is available under TLO Responsibilities.
The Taxpayer Liaison Officer (TLO) is responsible for reviewing and responding to requests that do not involve matters that the property owner is entitled to protest before the appraisal review board under Section 41.41 of the Tax Code, such as the property’s ownership, appraised value or unequal appraisal.
The TLO receives, compiles and forwards requests, comments and suggestions concerning ARB matters to the Texas Comptroller’s office along with delivering ARB applications received and providing clerical assistance to the Harris County Local Administrative District Judge as part of the ARB selection process. However, the TLO cannot influence the process for selecting ARB members.
The TLO also reports the status of all requests filed to the board of directors at each meeting, administers the board of directors’ policies for providing the public with the opportunity to appear and speak before the board and maintains a written plan describing how a person who does not speak English or has disabilities can be provided reasonable access to the board. Specific matters are detailed by clicking here.
The TLO does not resolve disputes or requests that involve the determination of ownership, appraised value, unequal appraisal, inclusion on appraisal records, identification of taxing units where the property is taxable or requests involving issues the TLO determines are repetitive or fail to state a legitimate concern. Specific matters are detailed by clicking here.
Contact by phone: 713-957-7891