The Harris Central Appraisal District (HCAD) monitors and reviews homestead exemptions in accordance with recent legislation so property owners do not have reapply or requalify every 5 years.
Rumors that property owners must reapply for their homestead exemption because of a new law are circulating on social media.
The law requires each chief appraiser to develop a program to review residence homestead exemptions every five years to ensure the owner still qualifies. HCAD already does this through several processes that include the annual exemption postcard mailing listing the exemptions the homeowner currently has.
Owners do not have to do anything if the information on the postcard is correct.
If the postcard is returned to HCAD, the appraisal district will ask the owner to requalify.
Homeowners should check their online property account at least once a year to make sure all the information, including exemptions, is correct.
A Month Of Service Partnership
HCAD participates in monthly educational workshops with local nonprofits and government agencies. The free virtual/online workshops are held on designated days of the month. For more information and to register for one of the sessions, please go to where you will find a menu of workshops to choose from.
HCAD, along with representatives from the Harris County Tax Office conduct the following:
Property Taxes, Protests and Exemptions
Fourth Tuesday 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Clearing Title on Inherited Property, Exemptions and Deferred Taxes
Second Thursday 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
(with participation from the Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy)
You must register to receive the link.
Here is a PowerPoint presentation providing an overview of HCAD’s role in the Texas property tax system including property valuations, protests, and exemptions.
Property owners who filed a protest that has not been settled will soon be receiving information about options for Remote or In Person meetings or Appraisal Review Board hearings. A Remote meeting would be done virtually with either an appraiser or with the ARB. Remote meetings are expected to be scheduled more quickly since social distancing rules will not apply.
Social distancing rules will apply for In Person meetings at the appraisal district office and property owners will have their temperatures taken by HCAD security officers before entering the building. People with a fever will not be allowed in the building and any hearings affected by this will be rescheduled.
Masks are required and additional family members or friends will not be allowed in the building. Because social distancing would reduce the space available to conduct in person meetings, the resolution of the protest could be delayed.
Property owners will be able to submit evidence documents for either the remote or in person meetings no later than 1 day before the scheduled meeting, or they can bring evidence with them for an on-site meeting.
If a property owner wants to change a scheduled In Person meeting or ARB hearing to a Remote meeting, please call 713.812.5860.
While HCAD will be scheduling meetings with appraisers and hearings with the ARB, we encourage you to continue to use electronic options to submit documents and applications.
Our telephone information center is available at 713.957.7800 for account questions or you can email questions to Account Questions. Fillable forms are available online and can be mailed to us using the address on the form or submitted to Account Questions. If you must bring something to the appraisal district, there is a drop-off location at the front (Hwy. 290) entrance to the building at 13013 Northwest Freeway that is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.